Worship Services
We will meet on Sundays at 9:30 AM with Faith Formation at 10:45 AM. We will continue to livestream the 9:30 AM service on Facebook.
Some general notes about Sunday worship:
Resurrection’s worship services are traditional, but our environment is relaxed.
Children of all ages are welcome and encouraged to join in worship. Wiggles and noises are expected, but an unstaffed nursery is available if a break is needed. Snacks, drinks, and toys are welcome in the sanctuary. Resurrection provides a children’s bulletin, worship bags, and soft toys to support you. Your children are also invited to get out of their seats for the children’s message and move around the sanctuary for the penny collection.
Whether in suit or dress, or shorts and a t-shirt, we invite you to come in the way that best opens you to God and prepares you for worship.
For your convenience, the worship service is projected on screens, however, large print copies of the service are available for you to print via the link on our home page as well as an e-mail sent every week.
We love to sing at Resurrection, and we draw mostly from hymns supported by organ or piano. The music of worship is supported by an active music program that includes a choir, chimes, and an instrumental group. Occasional solos and duets are often a part of our worship now.
Each Sunday following the Children's Message, the children take a Penny Collection that supports worldwide ministries.
Drawing from the model of the ancient Temple and the oldest practices of the Church , our worship service uses liturgy, which means, “the work of the people”. Gathering each Sunday in the resurrecting light of Easter, coming together in the revealed mystery of Christ’s victory on the Cross and his promised return, practicing the disciplines and actions of faith that are to make up the daily life of each Christian, the liturgy weaves our everyday story into God’s story and God’s story into ours.
In worship, we use the pattern of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending. In it we look to see the Kingdom of God revealed and trust in the gift of God’s presence with us, as we offer to God the one thing God has not first given us: our praise.
Liturgy binds our worship with the worship of all people of every time and place, and uses the images and words of scripture to place us in the ongoing back and forth between the people and God.
Our worship finds its foundation in the waters of Baptism through the practice of confession and forgiveness, where the chains of sin and death are broken and we are raised to a new and whole life each day, and Communion, where Jesus’ presence and gifts are poured out on each of us for the good of the world.
It is not one leader but the whole congregation, gathered as the Body of Christ, which is brought close to God so that each of us can go with life to share.