Resurrection is honored to have a part in helping you help your children ages 3 through 5th grade learn how much Jesus loves them. Our Christian Education Director, Kay Humbert, creates ways to engage your child and help them to listen to and respond to God in authentic and meaningful ways.
Here are a few ways in which we do that:

Godly Play during Sunday School (3LT)
More than just your regular Sunday School.
If you have children at home, this resource is our gift to YOU!
Our Sunday School program runs from September through the beginning of May, 9:45 - 10:35 (between worship services). We meet in the "Orange" room (first room on the right) in the Sunday School hallway (the hallway to your left when you come in the regular entrance). Katie Manquero and Kay Humbert teach the Godly Play lessons and Susanne Seele assists.
Please register for Sunday School using this link:
Godly Play’s imaginative approach to working with children supports, challenges, nourishes, and helps guide their lifelong spiritual quest whether at church or in the home. The basic format is: Story, “Wondering Questions,” and “Response Time.”
Children's Bulletins (both reader and non-reader) can be requested from the church office via e-mail at
If you have any questions or would like materials to use at home, please contact Kay at
For more information on Godly Play, please check out these Parent Resources:
Godly Play -
Godly Play

Summer Camp
Offered every summer
Resurrection encourages all kids to attend any of the summer camps offered by the Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Indiana-Kentucky (LOMIK). Our confirmands attend camp to attend summer confirmation classes, but kids of all ages have something to look forward to at the many camps offered by LOMIK.
Find out more about summer camps at:
Check our home page for more information in the spring.

Service to Others
Teaching compassion
Throughout the Sunday School year, the children participate in outreach programs that help foster their care for others. Whether it's sending cards, packaging Christmas goodies for the less fortunate during the holidays, or preparing Easter Baskets for our Homebound Friends, the kids learn that helping others lifts spirits of others -- as well as their own!